Monday, June 13, 2011

KS- I hear voices in the night

I am not going to make a significant fall backwards, with God's help.  I've had some pretty down days, where I am not moving forward the way God wants and I feel like my 'old self'.  And while I do not feel like fixing myself when I am most down and angry and pessimistic and unfixable and grumpy, when I finally see out of myself long enough to put on some praise music or listen to a World Revival sermon - best when live so that it includes a LONG praise session first, or tune into IHOP for some live prayer, prophecy in song....   then I start to remember what God has done in my life lately, and I start snapping out of it - always within minutes.

The Holy Spirit does His best chatting with me in the middle of the night.  I've had some great stories of late that I'll share sometime.  The one thing I want to share right now has to do indirectly with Nana and her legacy.  With this woman of God, who must have put most of each and every day into Bible Study and sharing it with others, into prayer and praise (I was a witness to this at 5am whenever I slept over), into deep intercession for her family....  When she died, so did, well, the power she prayed into the lives of every single person in her family.  I believe there are still members of our family praying for the rest of the "Decker" clan, but it's not like it was, and no one talks about it.  God wants Nana's legacy carried on.  A lot of our family is in pain.  So much physical and emotional and spiritual pain!  The Holy Spirit told me a couple of nights ago, in one of my flipping-over-to-find-a-comfortable-position marathons, to pray for Grandpa and Grandma Jean.  Grandma Jean has been his new wife for so many years now.  Now I love her and her gentle spirit.  (It's so easy to ramble).  Grandpa is 92?  93?  He has served God his entire life.  So has Jean.  Grandpa has indicated that he's about done, that he's lived a full life for God and that anytime is a good time to go home to be with Him.  But the Holy Spirit told me to pray for joy and power - for Grandpa and Jean.  God wants them to have joy and power and be so full of the Holy Spirit that it flows OUT of them and into our family again, and into the lives of everyone else they come in contact with.  God still heals.  Grandpa needs to go out with a BANG!  He needs one final recharge that shoots OUT of him and brings lives to God and heals our family and leaves us with a new legacy to share the love and POWER of God with our family again.  No more pain.  No more broken marriages, broken bodies, broken spirits.  No more emptiness.  AMEN!

Pray with me!

DD- God's Covenant of Rest

*Start with a 'Selah' - 'wait' in the Lord.. and on the Lord

Read Hebrews ch. 3 and 4

The Lord Jesus Christ is our Prophet, Priest, and King...
  He is Head of the Household of God.
  If we do not fear, we are of that household - Also, watch out for:  ignorance, unbelief, stubbornness, unthankfulness, and rebellion...
  We must:  believe, be thankful, yield, be submissive, humble ourselves and find out 'what does God say'...
Jesus Christ is Lord - He has passed that test in every way so that He can meet the needs of those going through the test and to help them do it 'God's way'.

Daughters of Sarah --claim your inheritance... those of you who trust / obey and are not filled with terror... (are you getting the picture??)

To enter the Land was the goal.... then to live long in the land, settle in the land, drive out enemies as we advance - we speak the Word and God exterminates them...  Deuteronomy 11:8 I think, ch 8, 6:18,19, 8:17, 11:8-14, 18-21 - the Battle is the Lord's -- stand still and see His salvation -- warfare -- and then get ready (are you ready) for that REST...  As we learn well to respond to the Word - God shows us how to REST in the battle, through it, around it - not only when it is all over.... Think about that...

The people of Israel could not go in because they could not trust God.  Are we in that land of rest.  Trust God.  The Word of God mixed with our faith and 'by reason of use' we are training our senses to perceive 'what in the world that God is doing', become yoked up with Him, under His control - seeing that His burden is light -- and all the time we are 'resting' in the Lord...

There are no promises for doubters.  The promises are to all those who believe... What a rest.

Think about this "God's way vs. our own human way or reasoning.  Today is God's timetable - I am - Now - on the authority of God's word, and you doing your part of the Covenant I can promise you that the rest will come to you before you finish reading this page...

IF - you act on the Word in faith, believing.  Ask God to teach you how to appreciate it.

Hebrews 4:12 - paraphrased - The Word of God is full of living power.  Active and alive.  It cuts more keenly than any 2-edged sword.  The sharpest dagger - piercing as far as the place where life, and spirit, and joints and marrow divide.  Exposing us for what we are in our innermost thoughts and desires.. Showing our thoughts and purposes so that nothing and no one in all creation can hide from Him.  He sees it all.  We must account to Him for all.

REST - A land of opportunity - - of proving God in the face of evil.  Not a vacation - don't miss God's moment - peace of mind, tranquility.  That place of growing stronger in faith and worship to the Lord.  Freedom from terror-oppression-fears, to be still to trust.  To desist from exertion - no sweat - no fleshly effort.. waiting.. to repose without anxiety... rely-depend on God.. that place of security, safety and protection..  a place of building and reaching out to others.. being defended.. never being put to shame, embarrassed or cause to blush.. acting on the message of God's Word for today.. to get rest - even when declaring war... FREEDOM...

*End with a 'Selah'...

Don't miss "God's moment"  Luke 19:44

Think on these things
Rest and Restoration

Isaiah 28:10-12
I Corinthians 14:21
Mark 6:31
Exodus 33:14
Joshua 11:23
Psalm 23:3
Psalm 37:7
Mark 9:12
Hebrews 4:9,10

It's coming that REST

DD-Good News for Women

God's Perspective for Women through the Bible

Creation - Genesis 1,2
-God said 'It is good'  ' very good'
-He gave men and women 'dominion' over all creation.
-God defined the roles, gave instruction concerning marriage, children, life, stewardship, responsibility and accountability.

Result of the fall - Genesis 3
for man-for woman-for serpent-for ground.
For women, the curse was 2-fold... (from several versions)  "thy sorrow and they conception will be multiplied... pain, labor and sorrow in childbearing will be increased."
"Thy desire shall be to they husband and he shall rule over thee, you shall be eager for your husband and he shall be your master, you shall yearn for him and he will lord it over you."

Feminists who do not know the Lord, those who have not heard this good news are truly cursed and of all people most miserable, 2nd class citizens and instinctively will fight for their rights...  BUT... the GOOD NEWS is the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who died for our sins, shed His Blood, became a curse for us, rose again from the dead and is coming again.  We must get this good news out to our sisters, proclaim the liberty we have - do not delay.  Believe this, act upon it and get it out to others.  Do not hold back on this day of good tidings... do not keep it to yourselves.  II Kings 7:9 ----  look up all these Scriptures about Jesus Christ and what He accomplished for us at Calvary...  Galatians 3:13,  I John 3:8, I Timothy 2:13-15, I Peter 3:7, II Corinthians 5:17,  Titus 3:5,6, I Peter 2:10, Isaiah 53,  Psalm 48:11, Psalm 97:8, Zephaniah 3:14,15, Zechariah 2:10,  Zechariah 9:9,  Isaiah 62:11,  Matthew 21:4,5, John 12:15,  Isaiah 35, Psalm 149:2,  Isaiah 61:1-3,  Psalm 128.

In the reproductive years, from menstrual cycle to menopause and all in between... P.M.S., stress, sorrow, hot flashes, embarrassment, tears, jitters, questions, anxiety, fears, miscarriages, post-partum depression, period pains, skipping periods, barren-prolific, we can trust God to be God.  God has redeemed us from the 'curse' of the Law, death, sickness, poverty and other reverses... Give the Holy Spirit an opportunity to deal with you and to heal you in your inner person from hurts you have received from a child.  (as a child maybe?)  God forgives when we confess to Him our feelings, sins, emotions of the past.  Women must forgive men - fathers, brothers, boyfriends, husbands, etc. .. deal with: pre-or-post menstrual depression, post-natal problems, attacks, unwanted pregnancies, abortions consented to, men who walked away, used you, ignored you or rejected you, rejection at birth, body violated, aloneness--at times of major or minor surgery, let the HOly Spirit show you and praise God for making you a woman--forgive yourself and others...
Part II -- thy desire to they husband-- who wouldn't mind submitting to someone who loved you as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it.  The one-flesh-heirs together of the grace of God - do it God's way... SO daughter's of Zion - REJOICE - Your King has come-- as you receive this Truth, you will be free instantly.  Start thanking God, living in the newness of life and shout it aloud...

Women, we are redemptively but biologically functionally different

This is Tested and Proven thru the years.  It's His word.

after all these years, women are grasping the Scriptures

DD Israel-God's Chosen People-Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

                                                                                  February 5, 1984... Bible Lab

Be a card-carrying Zionist - Our God, the Lord of Hosts is.  The Jerusalem Program- and aims of Zionism are:
    The unity of the Jewish people and the centrality of Israel in it's life... Ezekiel 37,  Isaiah 62.
    The ingathering of the Jewish people  in it's historic homeland,  Eretz Israel (Land of Israel) through Aliyah ("to go up" - word for Jewish immigration back to Israel) from all countries.  Jeremiah 16 (God uses the hunters and the fishermen to do this)
    The strengthening of the State of Israel which is based on the prophetic vision of justice and peace.  Isaiah 9:6,7,  Isaiah 11,  Isaiah 61:7-9
    The preservation of the identity of the Jewish people through the fostering of Jewish and Hebrew education and of Jewish spiritual and cultural values.  Jeremiah 16:19-21,  Isaiah 30:19-26,  Genesis 12:1-3,  Zechariah ch. 12,13,14,  Isaiah 46:13,  43:5-7...

Sing the songs of Zion...  Psalm 137, 126,  Isaiah 12,  Jeremiah 31:12
    Buy Israeli folk songs, tapes, sing them, go to a celebration and be filled with joy and gladness.

Jews are very special to God - the Jewish people are close to God's heart.  He watches over them and His nation, Israel, from Rosh Hashana to Rosh Hashana-- the beginning of the year to the end of the year.  Deuteronomy ch. 7 and 11..
    We are very special to God who believe in the Jewish Messiah,  Yeshua Hamascheach (Jesus, the Messiah) ...  I Peter 2:9,10

Israel forever - Jeremiah 31:31-38
   The New Covenant-God writes His laws in their hearts.  Hebrews 8:8-13.  Blood covenant - I Corinthians 11:27.  Exodus 12:13,  Matthew 26:2, Hebrews 9:22, Leviticus 17:14, Hebrews 13:20something, Hebrews 10:19-23,  Colossians 1:2.  God swears this by His High and Holy Name Romans ch. 9, 10, 11... God has not rejected His people.  He has an Eternal Purpose and Plan to carry it out He will....  Isaiah 14:24-27, 46:10,11.

All nations to be blessed as faithful Abraham, people will pray.
Genesis 18:18,  Romans 4,  Galatians 3:29,  Genesis 12:1-3, 17:18, 25:5,6,  Genesis 26:3,  Hebrews 11:18,  Genesis 28:4,13-15, 35:9-15, 36:6-9,  Isaiah 58:14... search out the specific blessings we will have as we believe God's promises and prophecies... friend of God, material prosperity, spiritual health, blessings of the fruit of the womb, home, family, descendants and posterity...

Salvation is of the Jews - God's faithful witnesses,  Isaiah 43:8,  We, too, are His witnesses,  Acts 1:8, John 4:22,  I Peter ch. 3, 'daughters of Sarah' - Trust, obey, be not afraid or terrified.  Sarah was obedient to follow Abraham as he followed the Lord- even thought she was 'barren' and going to a strange land... Genesis 11:30, 17:15-22

Discover the Feasts of Israel - Rosh Hashana,  Simchat Torah, Hanukkah, the feast of dedication that our Jewish Messiah, Jesus, attended faithfully- John 7)  Succoth or Feast of Tabernacles or Booths,  Yom Kippur, and Passover.... Look and see how God provided for every single need.  All the human emotions that He created in us are surfaced through observance of the feasts... rying, weeping and wailing, repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation, laughing, dancing, feasting and making merry, hoping, remembering, thanksgiving, anger at enemies, hugging, gift giving, loyalty and never giving up...

Lets pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

Zachar!  (unsure of meaning)

-Get Jerusalem Post
-visit Jewish museums
-make aliyah
-speak out against anti-semitism
-don't be silent
-remind Jewish people of God's love and (something I can't read) for them
-be familiar with the prophecies
-declare of the Holocaust "Never Again!!!!!!"

DD-Biblical Principles-Thus saith the Lord.. on FELLOWSHIP

9/81  Bible Lab

Definition - being a fellow or associate.. community of interest, activity, feeling, etc.  Partnership-membership-communion...

God's Word  tells us the persons-not to fellowship with- and to fellowship with.  To God fellowship means:  to share a common life with those who have seen and heard the Word of Life, Jesus Christ,  unto us eternal life with the Father.  Those who believe this as we declare it unto them, an share this joy with us...  We must walk in the light (with God and others)  and not be in the darkness at all... Love and Light walk... and we are being cleansed from our sins by the precious blood of Jesus Christ God's Son... I John 1:1-10
Confessi9on of sins and forgiveness is the very central theme of this Teaching.

So, we can never have fellowship with unbelievers ever...  nor can we have the sweet fellowship God talks about with believers who are not walking in the light, sinning against the truth and living a lie....

Since we are sinners by nature and by choice, we must constantly allow the Spirit of the Lord to convict us, we must confess our sins, receive the cleansing of the precious blood and the comfort of the Holy Ghost...

Psalm 94:20 'stay away from mischievous trouble makers'  Psalm 1:1 'do not take advice or counsel from the ungodly!'  Psalm 26:4 'Do not sit among worthless people or mix with hypocrites'  (New English Bible?)  ... 'I do not have fellowship with tricky two-faced men; they are false and hypocritical'... (Living Bible)  Also, we are told to stay away from all ungodliness, rebels, mockers, angry short tempered men, bribers, evil men, drunkards, prostitutes, radicals, nor invite them to our homes, nor deceivers.  'The wicked enjoy fellowship with others who are wicked; liars enjoy liars'  Proverbs 17:4... Proverbs 22:10, 24,25, 23:1,6,8,22,  Proverbs 27:19 'A mirror reflects a man's face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses.'  Proverbs 22:24,25 'Keep away from angry, short-tempered men, lest you learn to be like them and endanger your soul.'

Ephesians 5:11, 12 'Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness (barren), but rather expose them.'  IICorinthians 6:14,15, 'Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers'...  I John 2:15-17... the spirit of the world desires to 'impress, control, acquire'...  II Corinthians 6:14,15 'what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness!  no unequal yoke...'..  II Corinthians 10:18-22,  Galatians 5:19-21,  I Corinthians 5:9-13,  Joshua 8 

Good, tested, trusted fellowship according to God's word...
Agreement in Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, the Virgin Birth, His Divinity, Sinless Life, His death on the cross of Calvary for our sins,  His shed blood, His resurrection, 2nd coming, the truth of the Word of God  II Timothy 3:16

Acts 2:42,  I Corinthians 1:9,  Galatians 2:9, 5:22-25, Philippians 1:5, 2:1, 3:10,  I Corinthians 15:1-3,  Galatians 5:1,  Acts 4:32

Friday, June 3, 2011

DD-Ending the Generational curse

Prayer for cutting myself off from the sins of the generations by the 'sword of the Spirit'

Dear Heavenly Father,  I come to you in the Name of Jesus Christ.  Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the splendor, and the majesty.  It is thine to give power and strength to all.  All power in heaven and earth is Thine.  I praise you and confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life.  Forgive my sins (name them.... quietly wait on the Lord.)  cleanse me with your precious blood... I now put on the armor of God, I draw nigh to God and He draws nigh to me.  I resist the devil and he has to flee.

In the Name of Jesus, by faith in His word, I take the inheritance and all the benefits of Calvary right now.  I take the sword of the Spirit and claim liberty and freedom in Jesus Christ.  I believe you are freeing me.  Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil.  I cut myself free in Jesus Name from the sins to the 3rd and 4th generation of those who did not love you and those who did not worship you as the Lord, their God.  I cut myself free from all the cults, occult practices, sins and negative thinking, sicknesses and diseases,  superstitions, any and all depression, unbelief, death wishes and all the ills that were put upon your enemies.  (name specifics)

Lord, please forgive me for giving place to the devil because of my own sinfulness.  I thank you that my sins are now confessed and under the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I also declare that I am free from the sinfulness of my forbears because God's Word says that I am a new creature in Christ.  Old things are passed away.  I am in the generation of the righteous.  God is my inheritance.  Thank you for the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Ghost.  Thank you for wholeness which I claim right now.  I forgive all my ancestors and I release them from my judgement right now....  (stop and quietly consider this)  Thank you Jesus.  Thank you for setting me free...  Praise the Lord... (do this with your heart and with your mouth, lifting your hands and humbling yourself before Him).  Now fill me to overflowing with your Holy Spirit.  I praise you this is done and you will bless me and my descendants to a thousand generations... Lord, I love you.  I believe you.  I praise you for the freedom in Christ and the liberty of the Holy Spirit... I praise you that there is no condemnation against me.  According to your Word, I praise you that I am set free from the law of sin and death....
I praise you for all of this and give you the glory in the Name of My Wonderful Savior,  Jesus Christ.

The Scriptures are the sword

I Chronicles 29
Matthew 28:18-20
I John 1:9
Ephesians 6:11-18
James 4:7
John 14:14
Isaiah 53
I John 3:8 Hebrews 4:12
John 8:36
Exodus 20:5,6
Deuteronomy 7:25,26
Deuteronomy 18:9-14
Isaiah 47:12-15
Exodus 23:20-33
Exodus 15:26
Ephesians 4:27
John 1:12
Psalm 14:5
Psalm 33:12
Titus 3:5
Isaiah 53
Isaiah 43:25
Isaiah 44:22
Psalm 78:8
Psalm 108:12
Jeremiah 31:34
I Corinthians 5:17
Isaiah 58:6
Romans 6:22
Mark 11:22-24
II Corinthians 3:17
Romans 8:21
John 8:21
John 8:23
Galatians 5:1
Ephesians 3:19
Ephesians 5:18
Exodus 20:6
Romans 8:1,2
Romans 8:34-39

KS - A few of my favorite things

Thanksgiving tradition perfected. Three, sometimes four, generations settle in for a long weekend on the cold gray beach. It's quiet and always beautiful. We don't slave over a stove just to shovel the food in and go nap. No one has to clean or cook. We all relax and spend time - together, apart....

This is the life I love. I love catching a view that is special and unexpected. I love water and relaxing and my family.

This is just what I lovethe colors, the textures, and the moment I am given to capture it.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

DD - Spiritual Survival Skills cont.

Spiritual roots of 'life and peace' ...  wholeness - mental, spiritual, emotional and physical....

1.  ...Tract on Jesus Christ center in our lives
Mark 12:28
III John 2
Romans 13:8-10
Luke 6:31
Psalm 16: 8-11
Romans 12:12
Galatians 5:14
II Timothy 1:7
I Thessalonians 5:23
Deuteronomy 6:3-9, 30:6
Leviticus 19:18
James 2:8

2. ...Don't try to change God's order...  the fear of the Lord Romans 1 -- honor God as God.  Be thankful

3. ...Do you think Jesus regretted going to Calvary for you?
What was God doing before He created the world?
Give the Lord multiple returns on His investment...
He invested everything in me...
'Let us be Christ's person from head to foot and give no chance to the flesh to have it's fling'... Romans 13:14

4. ...The real Q.L.Q.  (quality of life quotient)
       Live before God... alive... to have life... to live a life rich in experience...
       Well ... a desirable and pleasing manner... adequate / abundant / good desirable in every way / being in health/ not ailing, diseased or sick / restoration...
       Wholth ... whole - health - holy (an old English word)  Romans 6:22

   All authority is from God... if we resist, rebel and disobey, we are accountable to God... Romans 13.  I Timothy 2,  Deuteronomy 17:8-13,  Hebrews 12,  Ephesians 5

5.  ...Paper on Fellowship... in order to 'walk in the light'

6. ... Look for opportunities... match up your skills for a challenge.  Say, 'yes, Lord'... if He is really Lord - how can you say 'no'.

7. ... II Corinthians 8:10,11 'count the cost befire you build that tower' or join that group / disciple others / make friends / lead a soul to Christ... the cost of time - involvement - talents - self... Finish strong...

8. ...learn group involvement... learn what part of the body you are... learn what part of the body you need.  Risk life on a daily basis.  Do no avoid the cross.  Die to self.  do not be afraid of the cross... God hides a treasure in our cross as we accept it.  Suffering is not the end.  Drink that cup of the Lord and be joyful... His resurrection Life will burst through.

9. ..I John 2:9-11

10. ...Honor and oby God's word and be happy and blessed... Hear and do not do - be deceived
James 1:21,22,  Matthew 5:17 - 20,  Mark 3:33-35


KS - Faithful with Little

In the parable of the talents (money),  the Master gave 3 servants according to their ability - to multiply what he gave them while he was gone.  To one he gave much, and that servant mulitplied it accordingly.  To one he gave some, and the servant grew it some,  to one he gave little, and that servant hid it in the ground.  The Master was not pleased with this last servant.  I have come to realize that I'm not ready for great things from God, but I'm certainly growing into it!!  I have not been known to speak well of myself in the past, but in this, I know I am being faithful with what God has given me - especially recently.

The world needs to know God, the real and alive and laughing God!!!
I have come from wishing to know and see Him, to having glimpses of his glory and love and I am going to share that!  Everyone needs to know and I'm going to tell! I hope that as my desire to share God's peace and happiness grows, that He will continue to fill me with more to share!

DD - Spiritual Survival Skills

Bible Lab
Jan. 1982

Springs of life.... Proverbs 4:23

*Focal point... Jesus Christ... King of Kings and Lord of Lords in your life
Exodus 20:3,  Matthew 22:37-39,  Matthew 6:33,  Philippians 2:9-11

*Maintaining the balance... loving God first.... loving others...
Matthew 22:37-39

*Accepted in the Beloved... God loves me - instantly - the way I am - permanently--  because He loves me and accepts me, I accept myself and others... Pray for the ability to receive God's love... Pray for the ability to give out God's love...
Ephesians 1:6

*Priorities... identifying your legitimate authority...
Luke 7:1-10,  John 17

*Home - family - church - job - friends - recreation - service - ministry - your world....  Look up and become familiar with scriptures, concordance, Bible dictionary, commentaries,  Bible studies, and work out your own study regarding 'Bible Principles' for you...
Psalm 139,  127, 128

*Individual Initiative... Identify your gifts, thank God for them, move in them.... be edified...
I Corinthians 12,13,14,  Romans 12,  Ephesians 4

*Super-structures.... tower building... What do you want?  What is the top price you will pay?
Luke 14:28,  Romans 12: 1,2,  Luke 9:24, 25
Death to self... 'bier party' not sure what this means  Luke 14:26, 19:33, 21:19

*Benefits of risk.... share your life with many people, accept ministry from others, be vulnerable, let people get to know you and love you anyway, stop resting your confidence in your own ability, stop being in isolation, cooperate with the corporate structure (The Body of Christ)  edify others, use that talent, that ability, your availability,  let ' go' of people, places and things, be that 'salt and light, get to know your community - the world, love your neighbor - Luke 10:37 - fear not, fret not, hope all things...
I Corinthians 13, Romans 6: 6-8,  Matthew 5-7,  Proverbs 16:3,  Ephesians 5:20,  John 14:12,  John 15:5

*Do a love check - I Corinthians 12, an obedience check - John 13:34, a reality check - Philippians 4:13,19, a heart check - John 14:1-3

*Get acquainted with God's covenants ---
Peace - Isaiah 54,  John 14:27
Rest - Hebrews 3,4,  Psalm 37
Hope - Romans 5:4,  Romans 15:13,  Ephesians 1:18
Holiness - Colossians 1:22,  I Peter 1:15, 16, 2:5
Search out more

Learn well Kingdom Laws and Biblical Principles  Proverbs 22:17-19
Reaching out
Inquiring of God
Spiritual Authority given to us
Asking God and others for help
Involvement in a group that is supportive
sowing and reaping
giving and forgiving
bearing and forbearing
The urgency of evangelism
Be filled with the Spirit
Forgive -- yourself and others
Receive God's total forgiveness
Rest and Recreation
Research and Development
give away - don't store up - use
forsake - forget - let go - share
love (risky - radical - tough)
confront with Love
Our Blessed Hope
The Love and Light Walk
'gifts' of healings...  inner, physical, mental, emotional
The release of the 'law' of generations

DD - Study on Anger, Depression, Lack of Emotion

Bible Lab
Dorothy Decker

“Thus saith the Lord”  Romans 4:3... on ANGER
(this is not the living end -- do your own spiritual dig)

Maybe you need to get anger out = it’s OK
Then go on to your next emotion
LOVE hope Faith Worship Praise Ministry etc.

Ephesians 4 - God shows us how to handle our Christian lives, with His help... how to live it, speak it, walk it, talk it, how to handle conflict, deal with it.  God also teaches us about UNITY in the body of christ, our function, gifts, being equipped, reconciliation and being bonded and knit together in love.  god also warns us about the dangers of ‘no emotional feelings’, affectional disorder and emotions ‘nil’ like the heathen - He says that they are dead to all feeling and have abandoned themselves to vice.  He tells us about the sins of lying and falsehood, anger, stealing, bad language, greed, unkindness, unforgiveness, lust, indecency and licentious behavior.  He exhorts us to be like Jesus Christ and to live up to our calling.  (A good book to read over and over again from several versions - especially chapter 4)

Scriptures on anger :  Jas. 1:20, Prov. 16:32, Mt. 5:21-26, Prov. 15:1, Eph. 4:26,31, 
I Sam. 15:12, Prov. 22:24, 29:22, Prov. 27: 4-6, Gen. 4:1-16, Eccl.  7:9, Prov. 15:8, (slow to anger - but His anger will be kindled in that day... The day of the wrath of the Lord.)  Ps. 103:8, Ps. 145:8, Neh. 9:17, Nah. 1:3, Zeph. 2:2,3, Jer. 4:8, 25:37, 30:24, 51:45,  Jonah 4:1,4,9, Tit. 1:7

Ephesians 4: 15, 25 ‘Speak the truth in love’...  but at all costs, speak truth to each other... v. 26 ‘if you are angry, do not let anger lead you into sin; do not let sunset find you still nursing it. leave no loop-hole for the devil’ .  So if we are repressing anger and not expressing it, we are guilty of falsehood.  We need to say - confess, ‘I am angry’.  We need to know that anger is sin. Sin needs to be confessed to God and to others sinned against.  If we are holding on to it and sinning in our spirits, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.... Rather, do this :  Do it God’s way, turn anger into a responsible act, use your will to express it correctly - be slow to anger - learn how to deal with it, express it and even how to ‘get it out’... Then learn how to make peace, settle things quickly,  reconcile, forgive, give it to the Lord... and to take His forgiveness 
I John 1:9.

We do not have to be afraid of truth.  Growing and changing isGod’s order.  Praise God that Jesus changes not - He is the same yesterday, today and forever,  He compels us to forced growth at times.  To be angry is human-- to not follow through God’s way is unspiritual - II Cor, 7:9-11

Anger unexpressed goes back into feelings of depression (sin).  Hidden anger has side effects that are extremely corrosive to one’s health and to fruitful relationships.  Denial of this emotion may cause this sin to dominate us.,  We must deal honestly with the feeling of anger.  As God forgives and cleanses us we can subordinate this emotion to the authority and obedience of our Lord Jesus Christ.  II Cor. 10: 4-5.  We will be supernaturally helped in our time of temptation,  God is faithful.  I Cor. 10:13.  While we are crying ‘ guilty’,  God is saying’ forgiven’. Loss of temper gives opportunity for repentance and repair.  No dilemma, no deliverance.... no confrontation - no healing or forgiveness.

Results of doing it God’s way : God brings beauty out of ashes, allows us to experience forgiveness of sins, involves loving friends to help us, compels us to grown and change and to use the explosive emotions, redirected for energy to serve the Lord Jesus... so-- speak the truth under pressure - at any cost and as soon as possible.

DD - Inner Healing

(for believers in Jesus Christ as Lord)

Hebrews 13:8  Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today and forever....
Heb. 2:14, I Jn 3:8, Isaiah 53, Isaiah 61:1-3, Luke 10: 19, Acts 1:8
Jesus died that we might have Eternal Life and Abundant Life...

Anything that causes us unnamed ---- fear - dread- restlessness-anxiety-doubt-lack of peace and oppression is not of God...  He desires for us to be perfectly whole and free.... If the Son has set you free, you shall be free indeed... where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty..
Psalm 139 - allow the Holy Spirit to search your heart

{paper on release from the law of the generations}  not sure what this means and there is some handwriting that I can’t decipher yet.

How does confession of sins play a part in healing of the memories... James 5:14-16

How  can we do our part in this process?
forgive the person involved...  
confess our sins in the incident....
let Jesus Christ come in and minister to you in the situation
fast and pray
ask the Lord to help you face painful memories
praise Him for them
Thank Him that He was there all the while, with you IN the situation
(I will go with you through the waters, - through the fire) Isaiah 43
Ask the Lord to heal you in anything that blocks your praises to Him 
Now share with the Lord a painful memory...  trust the Holy Spirit to be your comforter... let the Lord love you and speak to you...
Wait on the Lord... open up your heart and mind to Him - resist the devil and he will flee.  James 4:7,  I Peter 5:8,9
Women need to forgive men - brothers, fathers, doctors, institutions, churches...
Face the memory - situation - incident - The Spirit of the Lord Moves quickly --- allow Him to move - heal- cleanse from sin
Get rid of self-pity, die to self Matthew 16:24
Prodigal Son... did not want to be an emotional cripple any longer.  He planned his confession and reconciliation... the father did not focus on the hurt and wait for an apology... He even interrupted the son’s planned confession... total healing-- (instant) and experience of a co-operative effort between him and God and his earthly father...  (words hand written that I do not understand)

When we surrender painful memories to Christ, for Him to heal them, we give Him an opportunity to change us... He helps us to un-learn old thought patterns and re-learn with the mind of Christ.... II Tim. 1:6-8  God has not given us a spirit of fear-- but of love and power and and of a sound mind...

The Lord Jesus does not replace memories... that would not be the Truth... He takes away all the pain and allows us to think about the scent with His peace, love and forgiveness--- and even uses the experience as a Teaching for us and for others to profit from spiritually ... even soon after the healing...  ////// be specific with the Lord... (and the person ministering to you more handwriting I can’t decipher)... be honest.... actively resist Satan and a tendency to keep back or close up... make Jesus Christ the Lord of the whole situation and area of healing... walk in that new freedom in Jesus Christ.... Because Jesus has set you free.... Hallelujah....  Isaiah 61:1-3, Hebrews 2:14,  Colossians 2:14-15,  Hebrews 4:1

Learn to have a healing of the (two words I can’t read) daily

DD - ROSH KODESH-The head of the month...prayer for the month

Bible Lab

The first of each new month is an occasion for special prayers and celebration. Rosh Kodesh is announced in the synagogue on the preceding Sabbath with a special prayer for the new month... (for Jewish people)

As believers in Jesus Christ, we ‘hold fast’ to that which is good... not to be saved... but because we believe... to take the opportunity to praise the Name of the Lord and to set our entire month before Him. We lay out our calendars to the Lord and we ask Him to bless our month. We pray and we quote the scriptures and the theme He has for us at this time. We are seeing good things come to pass as we do this by faith... Some of the good ‘fruit’ we have reaped is as follows: harvest, firm faith, rest, hope, obedience, and restoration, fear of the Lord, mini-millenium, worship the Lord. As we seek His Word, He gives us specific insights into how to pray and what to claim by faith.

The ‘fruit of the month’ in Rev. 22:1-5 is becoming to us a present reality as well as a future happening. The apostle John tells of what the Lord is showing him... The river of the water of life, sparkling like crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb, down the middle of the city’s street. On either side of the river stood a ‘tree of life’ which yields twelve crops of fruit, one for each month of the year... the leaves if the trees serve for the healing of the nations... curses shall disappear - they shall reign with Him forevermore.... Why not claim that NOW not only hereafter!!!!!

God is a God of decency and order... record...
identify ‘mine’ Jn. 17:11 ‘Father protect through the power of your Name those You have given me...
Pray for the month... the gift of it....

Search our your identity in the Body of Christ... Know who He is... who you are in Him... your ministry... your talents.... gifts... the fellowship God has knit into you...

Who is your legitimate authority now... who is over you in the Lord? Lk. 7:1-10

Who are you over, in the Lord, for now... who are yours to love, to care for, to be under, to instruct, to cover, for now - who do you listen to? who do you get words for? who gets scriptures, words, for you? Stop and evaluate, test, and come up with the anser now, and stop wondering and groping.
Look back at the last few weeks - months - in your spiritual journal.

Abraham cared and prayed for Lot. Gen. 19:29
David respected Saul’s office.
Samuel-David relationship... David was Nathan’s for a time. Nathan heard from God for David for a time... David listened.... when Samuel died, David lost one who ministered to God for him in Intercessory prayer... then David learned to hear from God, personally... Saul was Samuel’s, then God told Samuel to stop praying for him.... Saul’s family were David’s for a time... Jonathan, Mephibosheth.

In all parts of the Bible, you can trace this principle out... Do a dig on it, if God leads you... Timothy was Paul’s... who were Elisha’s? The widow II Kings 8, Lk. 4:24,
leper II Kings 5:14... (although there were many widows and orphans and lepers in Israel, Elisha knew who were his...)
Who confirms what God has been saying to you? As your read His Word, write down what you think God is saying....
What is the Holy Spirit teaching you - through the word and others?

DD - Knowing who you are as a child of God

Either every Christian is a missionary or a mission flied.
If you abide in God’s Word of Truth you will stay free and minister in the power of the Holy Ghost... If you do not, you will need others to minister to you constantly.

A Adore and praise the Lord often I Chron. 20:20-23

C Confess all known sins up to date. Take the cleansing blood of the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive all your sins. Forgive everything you have against anyone living or dead Mk. 11:22-24

Renounce all occult practices. Burn or destroy all games, books, objects of evil. Deut. 18:10-14, Acts 19:18-20

Keep right relationships in your world I Jn. 1:7-9, Mt. 18:21-35, Lk. 11:1-4
Put armor of God on every day Eph. 6:11-18

T Thanksgiving.... be thankful, look for ways to show your thanks to God and persons. Refuse to be critical, fault-finding, and complaining.

S Supplications for all men everywhere. Pray for Government, Jerusalem, your town, neighbors...

Dwell in God’s word. Hear it and do it... Show others how to become free and stay free.
Jn. 8:31, 32, Psa. 119 read aloud often...